Thursday 26 November 2015

A Review on Induction Furnace

Introduction :

The advancement of Induction Furnaces begins as far back as Michael Faraday, who found the standard of electromagnetic induction. Notwithstanding it was not until the late 1870's when De Ferranti, in Europe started probes Induction furnaces. In 1890, Edward Allen Colby licensed an induction furnace for dissolving metals. The main commonsense use was in Gysinnge, Sweden,by Kjellin in 1900 and was like the Colby furnace with the essential nearest to the center. The main steel made in an induction furnace in the United States was in 1907 in a Colby furnace close Philadelphia. The main induction furnace for three –phase application was fabricated in Germany in 1906 by Rochling-Rodenhauser. Unique plans were for single stage and even two stages were utilized on the three stage furnace.

The two fundamental plans of induction furnaces, the center sort or channel furnace and the coreless, are positively not new to the business. The channel furnace is valuable for little foundries with unique necessities for substantial
Castings, particularly if off-movement liquefying is polished. It is generally utilized for duplexing operations and establishments where creation necessities request a sheltered pad of promptly accessible liquid metal. The coreless induction furnace is utilized when a brisk melt of one compound is attractive, or it is important to change combinations habitually. The coreless furnace may be totally exhausted and restarted effortlessly, makes it ideal for one-shift operations.
Induction furnaces have expanded in ability to where present day high-control thickness induction furnaces are contending effectively with vault dissolving. There are less synthetic responses to oversee in induction furnaces than in vault furnaces, making it simpler to accomplish melt organization. Be that as it may, induction softening is more touchy to nature of charge materials when contrasted with dome or electric circular segment furnace, constraining the sorts of scrap that can be dissolved. The intrinsic induction mixing gives phenomenal metal homogeneity. Induction dissolving creates a small amount of the vapor that outcome from softening in an electric bend furnace (overwhelming metal exhaust also, particulate discharges) or dome (extensive variety of undesirable vaporous and particulate outflows as an aftereffect of the less prohibitive charge materials).

Another era of mechanical induction liquefying furnaces has been produced amid the most recent 25 years. The advancement of adaptable, consistent force following, medium-recurrence induction force supplies has brought about the far reaching utilization of the cluster softening strategies in cutting edge foundries. These force units fuse heavy duty silicon-controlled rectifiers that can produce both the recurrence and the amperage required for clump liquefying and can accomplish electrical proficiency levels surpassing 97%, a significant change over the 85% effectiveness run of the mill of induction force supplies of the 1970s. The new plans permit most extreme usage of furnace power all through the dissolving cycle with great control of mixing .Some of the biggest business units are fit for dissolving at about 60 tons for each hour and little furnaces with high power densities of 700 to 1,000 kWh/ton can now soften a frosty charge in 30 to 35 minute.


A.      Induction Electrical System Configurations:

Induction furnaces require two separate electrical frameworks: one for the cooling framework, furnace tilting and instrumentation, and the other for the induction curl power. A line to the plant's energy dissemination board regularly outfits power for the pumps in the induction loop cooling framework, the water powered furnace tilting component, and instrumentation and control frameworks. Power for the induction curls is outfitted from a three-stage, high voltage, high amperage utility line. The multifaceted nature of the force supply associated with the induction curls fluctuates with the sort of furnace and its utilization. A channel furnace that holds and pours condensed metal can work proficiently utilizing mains recurrence given by the neighborhood utility. By difference, most coreless furnaces for melting require a medium to high recurrence power supply. Raising the recurrence of the exchanging current moving through the induction loops builds the measure of force that can be connected to a given size furnace. This, thusly, implies speedier melting. A 10 ton coreless furnace working at 60 Hz can soften its ability in two hours. At 275 Hz, the same furnace can dissolve the full 10 ton charge in 26 minutes, or four times quicker. An included point of preference of higher recurrence operation is that furnaces can be begun utilizing less cumbersome scrap and can be purged totally between heats. The transformers, inverters and capacitors expected to "tune" the recurrence required for high-productivity induction furnaces can posture a genuine electrical risk. Thus, furnace force supplies are housed in key-bolted steel walled in areas,furnished with wellbeing interlocks.

B. Wellbeing Implications: Commonly, the induction loop power supply and the other furnace frameworks are stimulated from numerous electric administrations. This implies foundry laborers can't accept that the ability to the furnace curl has halted in light of the fact that administration has been hindered to the furnace's cooling framework or pressure driven pumps. Audit the lock out/tag out segment gave in this security guide.
 C. Data And Output Parameters:  Of The Induction Furnaces: Keeping in mind the end goal to consider the overall practices in steel plants utilizing Induction Furnaces, the accompanying parametershave been distinguished as :
1) Raw Material: Induction Furnaces are utilizing Steel melting scrap, Sponge Iron and Pig Iron/Cast Irons.On a normal the proportion of these things is 40% wipe Iron + 10% Cast Irons or Pig Iron. The innovation of melting these info materials changes as per the accessibility of crude materials and area of the plant and inputs of wipe iron expended is as high as 85 % as charge blend on greater furnaces. (3)
2) Power Supply: An A.C.current from the transformer is encouraged to the rectifier of the furnaces electronic circuit. This proselytes A.C. to D.C, voltage is smoothed out by a D.C. stifle, and after that sustained to the upset segment of the furnace. Here the D.C is changed over to a high recurrence A.C. current and this is encouraged to the coil.(5)
3) Refractory Lining: The material utilized for coating is smashed quarts. This is a high virtue silica material.The linings are of two sorts, acidic coating and essential lining.(8)
4) Water: The cooling framework is a through-restricted stream framework with the tubular copper loops joined to water source through adaptable elastic hoses. The delta is from the top while the outlet is at the base. The cooling procedure is critical on the grounds that the circuit of the furnace seems resistive, and the genuine force is not just expended in the charged material additionally in the resistance of the loop. This loop misfortune and additionally the loss of heat led from the charge through the stubborn cauldron requires the curl to be cooled with water as the cooling medium to anticipate undue temperature ascent of the copper loops.

5) Molten Metal : The liquid metal is the craved yield of the Induction furnace. The amount depends upon the limit of the furnace, and the quality relies on the crude material and amalgam arrangement. The tapping temperature relies on the sort of steel, and in addition the separation of end utilization of the liquid metal.

6) Waste Heat: The surface of the liquid metal shower is presented to air. This outcomes in the major warm vitality misfortune through radiation. The Coils of furnace are water cooled this additionally brings about heat misfortune.

7) Slag : During the operation of electric induction melting furnaces, non metallics are delivered from the different sources depicted before. Contingent upon the particular procedure being utilized and the kind of iron or steel being liquefied, the creation of the slag will differ.

8) Slag Composition: The sythesis of furnace and spoon slags is frequently exceptionally complex. The slags that structure in electric furnace melting are the consequences of complex responses between silica (following sand on throwing returns or earth), iron oxide from steel scrap, other oxidation by items from melting, and responses with obstinate linings. The subsequent slag will in this manner comprise of an unpredictable fluid period of oxides of iron, manganese,magnesium and silicon, silicates and sulfides in addition to a large group of different mixes, which may incorporate alumina,calcium oxides and sulfides, uncommon earth oxides and sulfides and spinels and fosterites

Applications :

The large scale application of electromagnetic induction has become very commonplace in today’s manufacturing industries. Many components are heated in very large ovens or furnaces to several thousand degrees Celsius.
They run being used from the little, household furnaces utilized for heating, to annealling (heat treating) metal parts, solidifying metals, top fixing, heat therapist fitting and wire stripping. Indeed, even the de-gassing of cathode beam tube segments is finished by induction heating. The induction furnace is likewise used to heat little things to weld the parts together in switch bits (utilized as a part of carpentry).

Induction furnace Manufacturers:
Stead Fast Engineers Pvt Ltd one of the Leading manufacturers of Induction Furnace in India. At Stead Fast Engineers we believe in providing value for money products and in building long term relationships with our clients by following the motto “Sale is not the end, but a beginning of a new relationship”.
For More Details about products and queries Kindly visit our Site :

Thursday 19 November 2015

Important Factors to Consider during Induction Heating

Induction heating is a procedure which is utilized to bond, solidify or diminish metals or other
conductive materials. For some advanced manufacturing procedures, induction heating offers an
alluring mix of pace, consistency and control.

The productivity of an induction heating framework for a particular application relies on upon a few components: the attributes of the part itself, the configuration of the inductor, the limit of the force supply, and the measure of temperature change required for the application.

The Characteristics of the Part


In the first place, induction heating works straightforwardly just with conductive materials, regularly metals. Plastics and other non-conductive materials can regularly be heated by implication by first heating a conductive metal subsector which exchanges heat to the non-conductive material.


It is less demanding to heat magnetic materials. Notwithstanding the heat prompted by whirlpool streams, magnetic materials additionally deliver heat through what is known as the hysteresis impact (portrayed previously). This impact stops to happen at temperatures over the "Curie" point - the temperature at which a magnetic material loses its magnetic properties. The relative resistance of magnetic materials is appraised on a "porousness" size of 100 to 500; while non-magnetic have a penetrability of 1, magnetic materials can have penetrability as high as 500.


With conductive materials, around 85% of the heating impact happens at first glance or "skin" of the part; the heating power reduces as the separation from the surface increases. So little or slim parts for the most part heat more rapidly than expansive thick parts, particularly if the bigger parts should be heated completely through. Exploration has demonstrated a relationship between the frequency of the exchanging current and the heating profundity of infiltration: the higher the frequency, the shallower

the heating in the part. Frequencies of 100 to 400 kHz create generally high-vitality heat, perfect for rapidly heating little parts or the surface/skin of bigger parts. For profound, infiltrating heat, longer heating cycles at lower frequencies of 5 to 30 kHz have been appeared to be best.


In the event that you utilize precisely the same procedure to heat two same size bits of steel and copper, the outcomes will be very diverse. Why? Steel – alongside carbon, tin and tungsten – has high electrical resistivity. Since these metals firmly oppose the present stream, heat develops rapidly. Low resistivity metals, for example, copper, metal and aluminum take more time to heat. Resistivity increments with temperature, so an exceptionally hot bit of steel will be more open to induction heating than a frosty piece.

Inductor Design :

It is inside of the inductor that the shifting magnetic field required for induction heating is created through the stream of substituting current. So inductor configuration is a standout amongst the most critical parts of the general framework. An all around composed inductor gives the correct heating example to your part and boosts the proficiency of the induction heating power supply, while as yet permitting simple insertion and evacuation of the part.

Power Supply Capacity :

The span of the induction power supply required for heating a specific part can be effortlessly figured. Initial, one must decide the amount of vitality should be exchanged to the work-piece. This relies on upon the mass of the material being heated, the particular heat of the material, and the ascent in temperature required. Heat misfortunes from conduction, convection and radiation ought to additionally be considered.

Level of Temperature Change Required :

At last, the effectiveness of induction heating for particular application relies on upon the measure of temperature change required. An extensive variety of temperature changes can be accommodated; as a dependable guideline, more induction heating force is by and large used to expand the level of temperature change.

About Stead Fast Engineers Pvt Ltd:

Established in 1990, Stead Fast Engineers Pvt Ltd is an engineering company engaged in designing and manufacturing of Induction Melting furnaces, Induction Billet Heaters and Refractory Lining Machines for Foundries, Steel Plants and Forging units. With the help of years of experience and a highly skilled team, we create products with attention to every minute detail thereby making the products both user friendly and economical.

Stead Fast Engineers provides world class induction heating and melting solutions for both ferrous and Non ferrous with a great focus on customization so that every machine is nothing less than perfect. With a family of more than 400 satisfied customers all over the country and abroad, Stead Fast Engineers is expanding at a rapid pace. With offices located in major cities we ensure that the service is quick and effective and breakdown time is negligible. Adopting stringent quality management systems during different stages of production - the pre-process, In-process and pre-dispatch stage we believe in manufacturing the best quality every time.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Introduction and Design steps of the Coreless Induction Furnace

The coreless induction furnace is considered as the most prevalent sort of the induction furnaces in view of its suitability for all metal industries. The coreless induction furnace is a basic unit comprising of a helically twisted curl encompassing an unmanageable cauldron containing the liquid charge and joined with a rotating excitation system. At the point when the curl is energized by a rotating current it create a hub exchanging attractive field. The variety of attractive field creates an electric field and swirl streams along ways concentric with the hub. The electromagnetic field weakens quickly inside the charge. The profundity at which the impelled thickness tumbles to (1/e) of its surface worth is normally alluded to as skin profundity.
eddy currents are amassed at the external surface of the charge due to skin impact and heat is created by the routine ohmic misfortunes. Some portion of the created heat is lost to the encompassing medium, and the remaining part is conveyed through the mass of the charge by impact of warm conductivity. The skin impact is additionally spread in the coil conductor. In addition, the conveyance of the surface current density over the coil is non-uniform, the best current density is to be found in the segments of the coil lying nearest to the charge, this marvels is known as the vicinity impact. The induction furnace is, in this manner, in view of four standards: Electromagnetic induction, skin impact, heat exchange and vicinity impact

Design Steps of the Coreless Induction Furnace:
The proportionate circuit technique is general routines that can be connected to investigation and outline of all induction heating applications, the coreless furnace is surely one of them. The identical circuit technique is viewed as general technique in light of the fact that this system doesn't decide the measurements, recurrence or the force prerequisites of the particular application examined and composed by this strategy. Despite what might be expected, the utilization of proportionate circuit technique requires this data as essential, so to set up a complete outline of the coreless induction furance, these data are :
  • Outline of cauldron which incorporate the determination of stature to distance across proportion (Lw/Dw), coil breadth to charge breadth Dc/Dw, and the cauldron divider thickness.
  • Frequency determination: The physical particular of the workpiece and its measurement decide the recurrence of the force supply for heat process. 

  • Determination of the required power: the power supply is chosen in light of power and frequency required for dissolving procedure. The required power comprises of : the relative power to dissolve the charge and the heat misfortunes went with the dissolving process.

  • Induction coil design: which it consists of number of copper conductor with proper cross-section to satisfy the required cooling.

  • Determination of the required cooling. A complete study of performance of furnace is performed from the calculation of the equivalent circuit resistances and inductances. This relationship was derivate after knowing the reluctance of magnetic field paths.
Stead Fast Engineers provides world class induction heating and melting solutions for both ferrous and Non ferrous with a great focus on customization so that every machine is nothing less than perfect. With a family of more than 400 satisfied customers all over the country and abroad, Stead Fast Engineers is expanding at a rapid pace. With offices located in major cities we ensure that the service is quick and effective and breakdown time is negligible. Adopting stringent quality management systems during different stages of production - the pre-process, In-process and pre-dispatch stage we believe in manufacturing the best quality every time.

Friday 13 November 2015


An electric induction furnace requires an electric coil to create the charge. This heating coil is in the end supplanted.
  • The pot in which the metal is put is made of more grounded materials that can stand up to the required heat, and the electric coil itself cooled by a water framework with the goal that it does not overheat or liquefy.
  • The induction furnace can run in size, from a little furnace utilized for extremely exact amalgams just around a kilogram in weight to a much bigger furnaces made to mass create clean metal for a wide range of uses.
  • The benefit of the induction furnace is a perfect, vitality effective and well controllable liquefying procedure contrasted with most different method for metal dissolving.
  •  foundries utilize this sort of furnace and now additionally more iron foundries are supplanting domes with induction furnaces to liquefy cast iron, as the previous transmit loads of dust and different poisons.
  •  Induction furnace limits range from under one kilogram to one hundred tons limit, and are utilized to dissolve iron and steel, copper, aluminum, and valuable metals.
  • The one noteworthy disadvantage to induction furnace use in a foundry is the absence of refining limit; charge materials must be spotless of oxidation items and of a known synthesis, and some alloying components may be lost because of oxidation (and must bere-added to the melt )
There are a wide range of outlines for the electric induction furnace, yet they all inside around a fundamental thought.
  • The electrical coil is set around or within the pot, which holds the metal to be softened. Regularly this cauldron is isolated into two distinct parts. The lower segment holds the melt in its purest structure, the metal as the makers want it, while the higher segment is utilized to evacuate the slag, or the contaminants that ascent to the surface of the melt.
  • Cauldrons might likewise be outfitted with solid tops to decrease the amount of air has admittance tothe liquefying metal until it is poured out, making a purer melt.

Stead Fast Engineers Pvt Ltd is an engineering company engaged in designing and manufacturing of Induction Melting furnaces, Induction Heater and Lining Machines for Foundries Steel Plants and Forging Plants.
We practice Total Quality Management. Products pass through stringent quality checks at each stage of manufacturing. The company has ISO 9001:2008 certification. All products also have CE certification.