Friday 22 January 2016

Designing of Inductor

It is inside of the inductor that the differing attractive field required for prompting warming is produced, through the stream of substituting current.

Inductor configuration is subsequently a standout amongst the most imperative parts of the general instigation warming machine. A very much outlined inductor gives the best possible warming example to your part and amplifies the effectiveness of the actuation warming power supply, while as yet permitting simple insertion and evacuation of the part.

The inductor does not need to be formed in a helix. With the right plan, it is conceivable to warm conductive materials of any size and shape, furthermore conceivable to warm just the part of material required. It is even conceivable to warm diverse zones of the part at the same or distinctive temperatures by method for a legitimate configuration of the inductor geometry. Temperature consistency inside of your part is accomplished through right inductor plan. The best consistency can be accomplished in round parts. Because of the way of electrical current way stream, parts with sharp edges could specially warm in those zones if the best possible inductor outline is not utilized.

Coupling Efficiency

There is a corresponding relationship between the measure of current stream and separation between the inductor and part. Setting the part near the inductor builds the stream of current and the measure of heat prompted in the part. This relationship is alluded to as the coupling proficiency of the inductor.

Fundamental Construction

Inductors are regularly made of copper tubing - a great conduit of heat and electricity - with a distance across of 1/8" to 3/16"; bigger copper loop congregations are made for applications, for example, strip metal heating and pipe heating. Inductors are normally cooled by coursing water, and are frequently uniquely crafted to fit the shape and size of the part to be heated. So inductors can have single or different turns; have a helical, round or square shape; or outlined as inner (part inside inductor) or outer (part nearby inductor).

Advance Design and Manufacturing :

Stead Fast Engineers provides world class induction heating System and melting solutions for both ferrous and Non ferrous with a great focus on customization so that every machine is nothing less than perfect. With a family of more than 400 satisfied customers all over the country and abroad, Stead Fast Engineers is expanding at a rapid pace. With offices located in major cities we ensure that the service is quick and effective and breakdown time is negligible. Adopting stringent quality management systems during different stages of production - the pre-process, In-process and pre-dispatch stage we believe in manufacturing the best quality every time.


In July 2008 the new innovation – magnetic billet heater – was put into business operation in Germany (German aluminum expulsion works Weserlau GmbH and Co. KG). The second framework has been requested by Italian backup of Sapa in Bolzano. The beginnings of this innovation can be found in 2004. Organizations Zenergy Power and Bültmann got financing from Germany's ecological financing organization DBU to add to another innovation for billet heating. The main model was appeared in April 2005 at the Hannover Fair. Further with the support from the DBU, the gadget was produced and put into administration at Wese
In July 2008 the new innovation – magnetic billet heater – was put into business operation in Germany (German aluminum expulsion works Weserlau GmbH and Co. KG). The second framework has been requested by Italian backup of Sapa in Bolzano. The beginnings of this innovation can be found in 2004. Organizations Zenergy Power and Bültmann got financing from Germany's ecological financing organization DBU to add to another innovation for billet heating. The main model was appeared in April 2005 at the Hannover Fair. Further with the support from the DBU, the gadget was produced and put into administration at Wese.
Electrically conductive materials are today heated or dissolved in routine incitement heating gadgets. Billet is put inside copper curl. The curl is supplied by AC current and creates electromagnetic field that alters course in time. The field affects vortex currents in the workpiece (Faraday's law) what's more, vortex currents heat up the billet because of its electrical resistivity (Joule's law). In both parts of the gadget (inductor loop, workpiece) electrical misfortunes happens. The heating of the curl is the principle wellspring of vitality misfortunes in traditional AC incitement heating frameworks. Thus, loop must be cooled with water to keep from softening. The degree of the misfortunes relies on upon the proportion of the resistances of the loop and the billet. The proficiency of the framework is 50 – 60%. Traditional gadgets have a few impediments. Air conditioning heaters working with basic force network frequencies create whirlpool currents for the most part near to the surface of the workpiece – it delays the time of heating. AC induction heating further requires a medium voltage power supply and VAR compensation.
Magnetic heater in Weserlau comprises of DC fueled superconductive magnetic curl cooled to low temperature. The loop produces an adequately solid magnetic field with a force information of 10W.
Magnetic field of a DC fueled curl is not fluctuating in time, the billet is pivoted inside of the field in request to affect vortex currents. Vortex currents work to contradict the revolution and make an in number braking  torque. This is overcome by mechanical electric engines of a size of 100 – 50 kW. Engines are supplied by standard recurrence converters (misfortunes 2-3% of the aggregate influence utilization of the heater). Cooling framework and power supply devour around 13 kW, the aggregate productivity (counting all misfortunes brought on by fringe specialized gadgets) is more prominent than 80%. The heating procedure is speedier, more homogeneous Furthermore, exactly controllable. The framework doesn't require expansive cooling establishments, complex vitality supply and VAR pay. The heater comprises of four fundamental parts – superconducting magnet, refridgerator, engine and heating chamber. The fundamental part is the superconducting magnet that is kept at its working temperature by the refridgeration framework. The billets pivot in two thermally protected heating chambers, the rotational vitality is given by electric engines on either side. The engines can slide in also, out to oblige diverse billet lengths. No segment in the heater is subjected to noteworthy temperature expand, vibrations or some other mechanical anxiety compone
  • Low frequencies
  • Wide material range
  • Temperature tapers
  • Low maintenance requirements
  • Reliabilit
Stead Fast Engineers provides world class induction heating and melting solutions for both ferrous and Non ferrous with a great focus on customization so that every machine is nothing less than perfect. With a family of more than 400 satisfied customers all over the country and abroad, Stead Fast Engineers is expanding at a rapid pace. With offices located in major cities we ensure that the service is quick and effective and breakdown time is negligible. Adopting stringent quality management systems during different stages of production - the pre-process, In-process and pre-dispatch stage we believe in manufacturing the best quality every time.

Introduction to Modern concept of Steel Making through Induction Furnaces

l . Introduction

The different sorts of Induction Furnaces utilized for Steel making are medium frequency and high frequency. Gentle steel, Stainless Steel and low and high combination Steel can be produced using this furnaces. Crude materials utilized are Steel dissolving Scrap and Direct Reduced Iron. Alloying components included according to prerequisite.

2. Brief history of making steel by Induction Furnaces course

2.1 In India we began utilizing Mains Frequency Induction Furnaces from mid?sixties and medium frequency imported induction furnaces from mid-seventies however a sudden development occurred from mid eighties upto mid?nineties when indigenous production of Induction Furnaces initiated. At first we were utilizing them for using so as to dissolve and making Stainless steels imported stainless steel scrap yet economic situation from mid-eighties urged business people to make gentle steel. On the other hand, after liberalization there was extensive increment in the quantity of induction furnaces furthermore limit per charge. Presently a-days, furnaces upto a most extreme of 16-ton/charge are being utilized.

3. Current status of Induction Furnaces

3.1 Modernisation has been did by utilizing refining, hardware and in addition ceaseless casting of billets. To make great nature of gentle steel, refining by utilizing (LRF) scoop refining furnaces are being used and for production of stainless steel, AOD refining vessels are utilized. It is fitting to utilize family synthetic sythesis medium and substantial steel softening scrap. Preceding creation of Direct Reduced Iron (DRI), it was hard to control science of melt however now the innovation of utilizing DRI to modify science has been comprehended. Carbon would he be able to balanced according to particular and tramp components are controlled in light of the fact that DRI does not have tramp metals and components.

4. Why steel in India is produced using I.F. course ?

4.1 India is the first nation utilizing Induction Melting Furnaces for making mellow steel. In actuality, EAFs are not making mellow steel of basic quality for over 10 years now. The heft of basic quality mellow steel for long items is made by Induction Melting Furnaces. Amid 2001?2002 period more than 4.5 million tons of steel were created by Induction Furnaces. The EAF units have likewise introduced Induction Melting Furnaces. There are a few explanations behind the fame of Induction Melting Furnaces for making steel. They expend less power contrasting EAFs. Consumption on terminal is nil. They utilize lesser amount of stubborn. Introductory speculation is less on plant and hardware. Accordingly, there are financial points of interest in making steel through Induction Furnaces course. The main tangle is that at present mass amount steel can't be delivered through Induction Furnace course. May be that in future it might be conceivable to do as such.

5. Smaller than normal coordinated steel plant idea

5.1 another pattern of making steel in India is developing. This new innovation is utilizing Direct Reduced Iron (DRl) - Induction Melting Furnaces (vast limit) Continuous Casting of Billets or Rolling Mills to Make Billets and Bars, Fods and Sections.

5.2. At first M/s Essar Gujarat introduced DRI unit and utilized EAF (150 tons) to make steel for level items. Some all the more such steel plants have been introduced. Some unmistakable DRI makers have likewise introduced Induction Melting Furnaces to make gentle steel ingots or billets. Amid the last a few years numerous DRI making plants have been introduced in States like Chattisgarh (cut Out of Madhya Pradesh), Jharkhand (cut out of Bihar), Orissa and West Bengal differing from 20,000 tons upwards. These states are rich in Iron metal and coal. Amid DRI making from coal, waste gasses turning out are rich in carbon monoxide/dioxide, Methane?Ethane, and so on., and henceforth have parcel of calorific qualities to produce influence taking and by amount of influence from State Electricity Boards and utilizing its own particular created influence, DRI plants are introducing different limit Induction Furnaces. Some have likewise descending manufacturing units like concast or moving factories. Accordingly a kind of Mini Integrated Steel Plants are coming up. This innovation is quick getting to be well known and may alter our old and set up idea of making steel. The mellow steel delivered by such plants is modest and of good duality. Notwithstanding, much will rely on economies of generation and business sector strengths. Numerous, different advances are coming up which all have introduction to nearby conditions and assets accessibility. Induction Furnaces industry needs to confront numerous difficulties in this period of rising new innovations for making steel.

6. Different sorts of steel and cast iron creation by I.F.

6.1 Mild Steels: with a specific end goal to control science of finished item, compound investigation of all info metallic is taken before winding the charge-blend. After half charging is finished a shower test is
sent to research facility. The synthetic examination is analyzed, computations made tin further augmentations are made of info metallics. On the off chance that it has high carbon, Sulfur and phosphorous, rate Sponge iron in the charge is expanded. At the point when 80% softening is finished a last shower test is taken. In the event that carbon is still high a greater amount of wipe iron fines are charged in the event that carbon is less, cast iron scrap and turnings are charged. Along these lines, the science is controlled. Since no
overwhelming arcing like Electric Arc Furnace:; happens in Induction Melting Furnaces, the oxidation of iron a great deal less and misfortunes are likewise insignificant. Silicon a Manganese in metal are oxidized by FE2 O3 and FeO Carbon is lessened by iron oxide of DRI. Sulfur and phosphorous are weakened by DRI. There are no cable car components in the last item.

6.2 Low Alloy Steels :
6.2.1 At present Low composite steels are by and large frequently created by Induction Furnace Units in India. The incorporate EN18, EN19, EN8, EN9, and so on. Compound arrangement is entirely controlled by utilizing spectrometer. Size of ingots differs 3½ x 4½ to as much
6 ½" x 7½". So far none of the Induction Furnaces units have delivered these steels by concast prepare however some Induction Furnaces units are introducing spoon refining and concast gear to make concast billets.
6.3 Stainless Steels :
6.3.1 Induction Melting Furnaces before making Mild Steel ingots began creating Stainless Steel subsequent to 1979?80 period utilizing little size Induction Furnaces. The crude material was foreign made SS scrap and purging so as to cast ingots fluid metal in spoon, including alloying components and so on and softening mellow steel scrap and including ferro?allow and exchanging the fluid metal to AOD vessels for refining. After AOD treatment a few units do further refining in LRF and afterward creating billet by concast process. All units having scoop refining framework have introduced spectrometer for exact and faster shower investigation. Gas levels such N2H2 and O are additionally dictated by the recently introduced instruments. The greater part of the Induction Furnaces units are creating utensils grade SS. Two Induction Furnaces units making SS have sent out bars and wires. More butt-centric more Induction Furnace units are modernizing and also expanding to esteem included items.

6.4 Grinding Media :
6.4.1 Five Induction Furnace units are creating Grinding Media MnCr5, 20 MnCr5, and so forth situated at Ghaziabad. Jhansi, Ahmedabad and Bangalore. what's more, trading. It meets the quality prerequisites of world standard.

6.5 Special Cast Iron and S.G. Iron castings:
6.5.1 While numerous cast iron casting foundries have introduced mains frequency Induction Furnaces to make exceptional cast presses, some have introduced medium frequency Induction furnaces to make
S.G. iron. These foundries have compound testing, sand testing and physical testing gear alongside ultrasonic testing supplies. It is learnt that these Induction Furnace units have traded unique Cast iron and SG iron worth crores of rupees throughout the years.

7. Conclusion

7.1 Steel making procedure is tinder going extensive changes, New procedures are being created to utilize different sorts of Iron metals, coal and gas. Iron metal fines are utilized for making Pig Iron. These are produced by European Countries, In India National Mineral Development Corporation have a concurrence with Russia to receive Romalt process by utilizing fines of Iron metals. Ideally the generation will start without further ado. Jindal's have bought an innovation called Corex process. Steel has been delivered effectively by Jindal's. It is to be seen whether new procedures are econornicaly feasible contrasting with old frameworks i.e. Coke over, Blast furnaces, steel making by BOF converters' M/s Usha Martin organization are making pig iron in cupela and it is charged hot in Electric Arc Furnace to mak steel. Every one of these procedures trim to make less expensive steel and discussion of vitality. Duplexing and Tripplexing procedure is may get to be important to make steel in future.

About Stead Fast Engineers Pvt Ltd :

Established in 1990, Stead Fast Engineers Pvt Ltd is an engineering company engaged in designing and manufacturing of Induction Melting furnaces, Induction Billet Heaters and Refractory Lining Machines for Foundries, Steel Plants and Forging units. With the help of years of experience and a highly skilled team, we create products with attention to every minute detail thereby making the products both user friendly and economical.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Induction Melting Furnace : We can satisfy your production requirements

Stead fast induction melting furnaces are intended for most extreme electrical effectiveness utilizing substantial walled, high electrically conductive copper tubing. The furnaces can be utilized with fired (non-conductive) pots or conductive pots, for example, graphite, earth graphite or silicon carbide. Our furnaces are intended for every client's particular melting application, giving close temperature control and greatest productivity. Furnaces can be intended for different purposes, for example, melting iron and steel, valuable metals, ferrous and nonferrous metals; refining of high virtue metal and composites; smelting; and vacuum and controlled air melting.

We offer 3 Types of Induction Furnace :

  1. Stefen Box Type Induction Furnace
  2. Stefen steel shell Type Induction Furnace
  3. Stefen push out Type Induction Furnace

Stefen Box type Induction Furnace :

Stefen Box Type Induction Furnace

  1. Available from 50kg to 1000kg
  2. Suitable for small and medium foundries for melting of ferrous and non ferrous material
  3. Rolled Aluminum side plates for better flux shielding
  4. Rigid Cradle Design
  5. High purity EC Grade copper coil for better efficiency
  6. Very easy to install, operate and maintain
  7. Negligible Breakdown
  8. High performance guarantee

Stefen Stell shell type Induction Furnace :

Stefen Stell Shell Type Induction Furnace

  1. Rugged and Heavy duty Steel frame provides tension free support to the coil
  2. Large Shunts made from CRGO imported steel provide low resistance flux path leading to higher efficiency
  3. Easy access to coil leading to easy maintenance
  4. 3D Designed and Load tested
  5. Optional Fume extraction system

Stefen push out type Induction furnace

Stefen push out type Induction furnace

  1. Trouble free Operation
  2. For small capacity of 2kg to 50 kg
  3. Crucible is pushed out hydraulically in a smooth motion
  4. Compact system

We manufactured, Export and supply highly efficient Induction melting furnace. Our Product Features are :

Reliable, Economic and Efficient induction Furnace
Highest efficiency and Low power consumption
optimum production and futuristic trends
design upgradation to suit
trouble free operation
High Performance
corrosion resistance
Ease in operation
Constant full power from start to end.

See more details about products : InductionMelting furnace

Sunday 10 January 2016

Manufacturing Trend of 2015

As 2015 methodologies it's an ideal opportunity to look ahead at rising trends that will affect 21st century manufacturing far and wide.

The whole production network biological community — enveloping makers, wholesalers and retailers — is experiencing a business change. This is because of changing progress including moving shopper desires, time to advertise and serious worldwide rivalry that is being managed by the rising Internet and portable economies.

Progresses in technology — combined with changing work demographics — are turned out to be the lynchpin molding this new plan of action. To remain monetarily feasible, retailers must offer items quicker and at aggressive costs which sends a progressively outstretching influence down the store network. For instance, makers must quicken creation cycles and merchants must abbreviate conveyance times.

Partners all through the inventory network must choose the option to change their plans of action to take care of customer demand and increment benefits. Be that as it may, technology is offering organizations some assistance with staying significant in these evolving times. How about we investigate five manufacturing trends that will affect the business in 2015:

'SMAC Stack' selection to pick up velocity.

A manufacturing rebound is being driven by SMAC — social, portable, examination and cloud. The SMAC Stack is turning into a key technology toolbox for undertakings and speaks to the following wave for driving higher client engagement and development opportunities. The need to develop is driving social change inside of a truly preservationist "on the off chance that it's not down and out don't alter it" industry, and SMAC is offering early adopters in the manufacturing some assistance with marketing build efficiencies and change.

Online networking to further effect plan of action advancement.

By IDC white paper, "The Future of Manufacturing," supported by Infor, online networking is driving producers to end up more client driven. The conventional business-to-plan of action is getting to be obsolete in light of the fact that today's joined shoppers are better educated and expect items on-interest. Customers think about, select or purchase different items with a tap of their cell phone or tablet, and online networking has turned into their favored correspondence stage. This buyer buying style is not just affecting brand-situated worth chains, however is changing customary B2B to B2B2C models.

Web of Things (IoT) will build robotization and openings for work.

A recharged concentrate on science and building instruction is developing a manufacturing workforce that can oversee very specialized frameworks and take into account more prominent computerization. This arranges for representatives to give their gifts something to do on R&D which is rethinking what it intends to have a vocation in manufacturing. Also, IoT takes into consideration condition-based support which is driving efficiencies as organizations save money on work and benefit costs.

More prominent capital venture.

In spite of the fact that the moderate financial recuperation keeps on frustrating extension and development opportunities, late government and industry reports demonstrate an uptick in capital venture subsidizing. As makers get to be centered around catching worth through development, unique outline and speed to market, they are expanding spend for overhauling plant, gear and advances.

The rise of "Next-Shoring."

The ascent of a more specialized work power to oversee inventory network operations — joined with rising wages in Asia, higher delivery costs and the need to quicken time to market to meet retailer and buyer requests — has prompted more organizations moving their manufacturing procedures from outsourcing abroad to creating items closer to where they will be sold. "Next-shoring," as this strategy has been named, permits makers to expand the rate at which item is recharged on store racks. The speedier stock can be moved to the customer, the sooner the expenses to distribution center, dispatch and dock merchandise can be authorized.

These are a couple of the amusement changing trends anticipated that would affect manufacturing in 2015 and it will energize to watch which take off as the business keeps involve.

About the author

Stead Fast Engineers is renowned for developing innovative and effective heating and melting solutions that produce extraordinary results. And the ability to consistently deliver performance excellence in one application after another, is the team's hallmark. Reach us on : InductionFurnace Manufacturers

Sunday 3 January 2016

Introduction to manufacturing technology

Manufacturing technology gives the apparatuses that empower creation of every single produced great. These expert devices of industry amplify the exertion of individual specialists and give a mechanical country the ability to transform crude materials into the reasonable, quality products vital to today's general public. To put it plainly, we make advanced life conceivable.

Manufacturing technology gives the beneficial instruments that power a developing, stable economy and a rising way of life. These devices make the way to give a powerful national safeguard. They make conceivable cutting edge correspondences, moderate horticultural items, effective transportation, creative restorative systems, space investigation... also, the ordinary comforts we underestimate.

Generation apparatuses incorporate machine devices and other related gear and their embellishments and tooling. Machine instruments are non-convenient, power-driven manufacturing hardware and frameworks used to perform particular operations on man-made materials to deliver strong merchandise or segments. Related advances incorporate Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and also get together and test frameworks to make a last item or sub gathering.

Manufacturing technology products:

Programming – Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Numerical Control (CNC), Direct Numerical Control (DNC), Programmable Logic Control (PLC), Numerical Control (NC), program enhancement programming, and frameworks coordination programming.

Material Removal – Turning, processing, penetrating, granulating, tapping, electrical release machines (EDM), suggesting, sawing, water plane cutting gear, and laser procedure hardware.

CNC Manufacturing TechnologyMaterial Forming – Stamping, twisting, joining, hydro-framing, squeezes, shearing, cool and hot shaping hardware.

Added substance Processes – 3D printing, laser sintering, and fast prototyping hardware.

Workholding – Chucks, installations, braces, squares, point plates, and tooling sections.

Tooling – Drills, taps, reamers, drilling bars, passes on, punches, and granulating wheels.

Material Handling – Conveyors, mechanized wire guided vehicles, bite the dust taking care of gear, robots, bed changers, and bar bolster hardware.

Mechanized Systems – Transfer machines, get together frameworks, computerized frameworks and cells, and Flexible Manufacturing System(FMS).

About the Author :

Stead Fast Engineers Pvt Ltd is an engineering company engaged in designing and manufacturing of Induction Melting furnaces, Induction Billet Heaters and Refractory Lining Machines for Foundries, Steel Plants and Forging units. With the help of years of experience and a highly skilled team, we create products with attention to every minute detail thereby making the products both user friendly and economical.

 Stead Fast Engineers provides world class induction heating and melting solutions for both ferrous and Non ferrous with a great focus on customization so that every machine is nothing less than perfect.